Two male actors on stage in an emotional scene

The battle within

Step into the captivating world of Mike Bartlett’s groundbreaking play “Cock”, as it makes its English debut in the heart of Vienna. Premiered in 2009 at London’s Royal Court Theatre, the play now comes alive at The Off Theatre in Vienna´s 7th district, thanks to a successful crowd funding campaign.

This is a nuanced exploration masterfully crafted by Bartlett, delving into the paralyzing indecision that arises from the struggle to define one’s true identity.

The central character is John, whose relationships and identity conflicts form the heart of the drama—he is a fixture to his controlling long-time partner, M, and a new love interest to the divorced classroom assistant, W. The central theme echoes in John’s repeated question, “What am I?”, as he grapples with choices that could redefine his entire existence. The dynamics between John, M, and W intensify into a metaphorical cockfight, with M and W both vying for John’s affection. Enter M’s father, adding another layer of complexity as he urges John to make a decision and stop being “selfish.” The tension escalates as John, torn between two worlds, is pushed to make a choice. His indecision becomes a tormenting dance, captivating the audience in the whirlwind of emotions.

Bartlett’s sharp and witty dialogue comes to life through stellar performances by Alan Burgon (John), Florian Sebastian Fitz (M), Isabella Jeschke (W), and Alexander E. Fennon (F), whose dramatic immersion into the material casts a spell. The Vienna staging, produced by Kulturverein Vollmund under the direction of Steven Ditmyer, transforms the stage into a symbolic boxing ring, heightening the emotional intensity of the drama. The jarring sound of the bell between scenes serves as a wake-up call, a stark reminder of the battles waged within.

The absence of elaborate sets directs the audience’s focus solely on the characters’ inner turmoil and the intense, sometimes comedic, drama. “Cock” isn’t just a play; it’s a thought-provoking experience that lingers in your mind, inviting contemplation on the intricate complexities of love, sexuality, and identity long after the final curtain falls.

I experienced the play as an emotionally intense drama, but not without its comic moments. As I watched John’s inner turmoil unfold under the claim-staking pressures from two sides, I couldn’t help but hope he would make his own journey of self-discovery before making a life-altering decision. To unravel John’s fate, you’ll have to witness the play yourself.

I highly recommend seeing Cock if you have the opportunity. It is a thought-provoking and challenging play that will leave you thinking about love, sexuality, and identity for a long time to come.

Directed by Steven Ditmyer
Cast: Alan Burgon, Florian Sebastian Fitz, Isabella Jeschke, Alexander E. Fennon

More information and tickets

The play premiered last night. Further dates:

26 / 27 / 31 JANUARY
1 / 2 / 3 FEBRUARY

8 pm
Kirchengasse 41, 1070 Vienna

Director Steven Ditmyer before dress rehearsal

  1. juliasandelson avatar

    Hi RosThis sounds incredibly worth seeing bit it’s in Vienna.  Not sure why you sent it?Julia Xx

    Julia Sandelson


  2. tanjabrittonwriter avatar

    Your photos capture the human drama well, Karin. Did you take them during a rehearsal, as the many empty seats suggest?


    1. Karin avatar

      Hi Tanja, thank you for looking! Yes, I photographed the general rehearsal. The premiere was the following day and was sold out. It was a big success!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. tanjabrittonwriter avatar

        Thank you for letting me know, Karin. I’m glad to hear that the premiere was a success. I hope the other performances will follow suit.

        Liked by 1 person